Donate Today!

Any pledge, big or small, helps enrich the school experience for our children. Thank you for your continued generosity!​

Your donations fund:

Funding Group


Welcome/Teacher AppreciationHospitality luncheons, Teacher and Staff gifts, etc.
Program and Event CostsMath & Science Nights, Garden Club, Running club, Read Across America
Art CorpsArt Corps art lessons for all students
Professional LearningStaff training and development
Administrative CostsAccounting & banking fees, insurance, website, supplies, Student Council
Online Learning SupportSeesaw, Clever Apps, etc.
STEAM LabOn-staff STEAM Coordinator, lab supplies, upgrades on technology
Classroom and Grade Level GrantsGrants to individual classrooms and grade levels
Targeted InterventionAdditional staff working with students in small groups to support academic advancement
Student SuppliesFolders, agendas/calendars, Engage NY math workbooks
Community EventsMovie Night, Ranch Roundup
Campus Aides and Library StaffTwo library staff and multiple campus aides
Fundraising EventsPledge Drive, Jog-a-thon, Spring Fling, Book Fair

The information above does not include projects that the FFO sponsors at cost, such as the yearbook, spirit-wear and library expenses.

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